An outline is a line that is drawn around elements (outside the borders) to make the element "stand out".
The outline properties specify the style, color, and width of an outline.
Draw a line around an element (outline)
This example demonstrates how to draw a line around an element, outside the border edge.
This example demonstrates how to draw a line around an element, outside the border edge.
Set the style of an outline
This example demonstrates how to set the style of an outline.
This example demonstrates how to set the style of an outline.
Set the color of an outline
This example demonstrates how to set the color of an outline.
This example demonstrates how to set the color of an outline.
Set the width of an outline
This example demonstrates how to set the width of an outline.
This example demonstrates how to set the width of an outline.
CSS Outline
An outline is a line that is drawn around elements (outside the borders) to make the element "stand out".
However, the outline property is different from the border property.
The outline is not a part of an element's dimensions; the element's total width and height is not affected by the width of the outline.
All CSS Outline Properties
The number in the "CSS" column indicates in which CSS version the property is defined (CSS1 or CSS2).
Property | Description | Values | CSS |
outline | Sets all the outline properties in one declaration | outline-color outline-style outline-widthinherit | 2 |
outline-color | Sets the color of an outline | color_name hex_number rgb_numberinvert inherit | 2 |
outline-style | Sets the style of an outline | none dotted dashed solid double groove ridge inset outset inherit | 2 |
outline-width | Sets the width of an outline | thin medium thick lengthinherit | 2 |