v Interfaces.
Gives the ability for a class to fulfill more than one is-a relationships. A class can inherit only from one class, but may implement as many interfaces as it wants:
interface Display
function display();
class Circle implements Display
function display()
print "Displaying circle\n";
v Instanceof operator.
Language-level support for is-a relationship checking. The PHP 4 is_a() function is now deprecated:
If ($obj instanceof Circle)
print '$obj is a Circle';
v Final methods.
The final keyword allows you to mark methods so that an inheriting class cannot overload them:
class MyClass
final function getBaseClassName()
return __CLASS__;
v Final classes.
After declaring a class as final , it cannot be inherited. The following example would error out.
final class FinalClass
class BogusClass extends FinalClass
v Explicit object cloning.
To clone an object, you must use the clone keyword. You may declare a __clone() method, which will be called during the clone process (after the properties have been copied from the original object):